Mood: Motivation vs. Dedication
- Coastal Fitness and Correction
- Written By: Christina Blahovich

Building a Roadmap
Throughout our day-to-day life, many of us experience ups and downs in our mood and level of motivation. It’s easy to experience days where you don’t feel like doing the items on your task list that you know will help you reach your fitness goals. Motivation can waver widely from one day to the next, and feelings can change quickly.
What is so important to do is to remember why you began your fitness journey and build a roadmap of dedication to achieving your goals. At Coastal Fitness and Correction, we design programs that step you towards your goals. Whether you’re in treatment for cancer or just out of rehabilitation for a knee replacement, the programs we design help you take dedicated steps to where you want to be. And your dedication, regardless of your motivation that day, is the key element to walking your fitness journey.
Think about the differences between motivation and dedication:
- Tied to your emotions and feelings
- Related to your “why” or reason for doing an activity
- Can be influenced by both internal and external factors
- Tends to focus on the end goal: the “finish line”
- A decided action, regardless of feeling
- Related to your “what” and “how” and focuses on doing the action
- A personal choice, fulfilled by personally completing a task
- Flows step by step, action by action
While motivation plays a vital role in setting a goal and understanding your purpose for your fitness journey, dedication is what carries you through each step of the journey itself. Once you set your goal, make a promise to yourself to take one step each day for yourself. And celebrate taking action for the betterment of your health and well-being!
Coastal Fitness and Correction focuses on each client individually by designing unique programs based on:
- Orthopedic Considerations
- Post-rehab Injuries
- Prehab & Post-rehab of Surgical Repairs
- Neurological Conditions
- Cancer Diagnosis
Through measured progress of strength, range of motion, stability, and mobility, we are here to empower clients to live each day at their highest and healthiest ability. To connect with your Orthopedic or Cancer Exercise Specialist in Sarasota, Florida click here.