Movement: Balance and Stability

Building body and spatial awareness.

We often exercise with different goals in mind. Many people want to lose body fat, build muscle strength, or maintain a healthy body. Another important goal to keep in mind is balance and stability. As we age and go through life changes, often balance and stability can suffer. People may fall or be unaware of their surroundings and accidentally injure themselves. Incorporating regular stability work in your exercise is a great way to build body and spatial awareness.

Here are some ways we incorporate balance into your corrective exercise programs to help you build your stability:

Single Leg/Staggered Stance Work

Single leg/staggered stance work is beneficial to building basic stability. Working on one leg, or with a staggered stance, can help the body both improve balance and adjust any muscle imbalances that can be found in the lower body. Our bodies typically have a dominant side, so we challenge the body to adapt to new situations by using a different stance. Single leg work can be used in many movements from basic balance, to balance with leg movement, to deadlifts and squats.

Functional Movement

We utilize functional movements that factor into your everyday life. Movements like planks, squats, deadlifts, step ups, and lunges work both core strength and overall stability. These movements typically flow through a full range to prepare your body for everyday situations like carrying groceries, picking up children/pets, walking, lifting items overhead, and so much more.

Power and Speed Training

Another way we challenge balance is through building quick, sharp, explosive power. This work is done in so many ways, such as lifting heavy weights, doing cables punches, or doing quick side steps on the floor. Strengthening your explosive power means that your body will be ready for unanticipated movement.
Having a body that is capable of safe, steady movement is so important as you go throughout your everyday life. We at Coastal Fitness and Correction are committed to helping you find stability in every step you take. Talk to us about how we can work on your balance as we continue working to your fitness goals!

Coastal Fitness and Correction focuses on each client individually by designing unique programs based on:

  • Orthopedic Considerations
  • Post-rehab Injuries
  • Prehab & Post-rehab of Surgical Repairs
  • Neurological Conditions
  • Cancer Diagnosis

Through measured progress of strength, range of motion, stability, and mobility, we are here to empower clients to live each day at their highest and healthiest ability. To connect with your Orthopedic or Cancer Exercise Specialist in Sarasota, Florida click here.