Food: What Is Mindful Eating?

Can you remember the last meal you had where you were fully present? There was something about the meal: maybe the flavors, temperature, or texture. Maybe it was that the restaurant was playing your favorite song or that someone had just told the best joke and sent the whole table into deep belly laughter. Whatever the cause, you were entirely present and engaged in the eating process.

Eating mindfully means paying full attention and being aware when you eat. It means taking time to savor food and enjoy the process of having a complete meal. Mindful eating has a host of benefits.

Benefits of Mindful Eating:

  • Aids in better digestion
  • Builds satisfaction from a meal
  • Helps build a positive relationship with food
  • Creates awareness of hungry and full feelings
  • Leads to better nutritional choices

steps to eat mindfully:

The next time you’re sitting down to a meal, try using the following steps to eat mindfully:

  1. Eliminate distractions: shut off the TV, take a break from work, find a calm space.
  2. If you’re cooking your meal, pay attention to each ingredient you add and remind yourself why it is being included.
  3. Sit down somewhere uncluttered and comfortable to focus on your food.
  4. Look at your meal, take it in with awareness, and find a moment to be grateful for your food.
  5. Eat slowly, savoring each bite. If it helps, set down your utensil(s) between each bite. Focus on the flavors, textures, and how your body feels as you eat.
  6. Pay attention to your body’s response and monitor your hunger and fullness levels.
  7. When you finish, create a moment to be thankful for your meal.

Take small moments throughout each day to savor and enjoy your eating in order to build positive habits and a strong, healthy relationship with all of the food you eat!

Coastal Fitness and Correction focuses on each client individually by designing unique programs based on:

  • Orthopedic Considerations
  • Post-rehab Injuries
  • Prehab & Post-rehab of Surgical Repairs
  • Neurological Conditions
  • Cancer Diagnosis

Through measured progress of strength, range of motion, stability, and mobility, we are here to empower clients to live each day at their highest and healthiest ability. To connect with your Orthopedic or Cancer Exercise Specialist in Sarasota, Florida click here.